Wednesday 6 February 2013

[DIY] Studs, Lace and Denim

Hello hello :)

So this isn't exactly a post on makeup like I said I would post about but I thought I'd share a little about project I had been working on today to cure my holiday boredom.

These were a pair of really baggy, straight leg 3/4 pants that I got for  $5 AUD and a vintage warehouse sale. I always wanted a pair of shorts in this white wash colour and so when I saw these pants I knew I could revive them. I wish I took a picture of what they looked like before cutting them up but I cut them up aaages ago cause I expected my studs to arrive in the mail that day.

You'll need:

A pair of pants you can cut up or an old pair of shorts

A ruler as a guide to evenly place it out
A pencil to help push down the studs and draw lines
Some studs. I bought a 100 pack of 5mm studs on ebay for less than $2 AUD I think. 

Basically just draw some lines horizontally and vertically as to how far away you want your studs to be as a general guide using the pencil. It doesn't have to be perfect, like I said just a rough guide. You can kinda see my lines in the picture below. And stud away! Just push the studs on the jeans until they come out on the other side, just be careful to not prick yourself. And using the end of the pencil, just bend down the pointy edges Even though I drew on lines some of my studs aren't evenly spaced. It doesn't have to be perfect.

Half way there ^_____^ Yeah I was doing it whilst still in my PJs cause I was too lazy to change.

And the final product

There are many ways to stud it. You could even stud a cross pattern onto it. Originally I was gonna stud the entire left back side but I decided to do it this way instead and I'm much happier. Plus I didn't have enough studs. I could have done it but I didn't want to space them so far apart. 

I wasn't quite satisfied with my jeans and because I had some spare lace lying around, I thought hey why not sew it onto my jeans to liven it up a bit more. 

What you'll need:
Needle and thread [TIP: Use a thicker needle so it's not as hard to pull it out of the denim. It was a bit of a struggle to push/pull the needle out so I used my ruler as help so I didn't injure myself)
Lace of any kind or even some spare fabric

Just sew it on any way possible. It's easy if you know how to use a needle and thread.

Final product

Hmm I don't know why these two pictures are so dark compared to the others :S The lace on the front pocket looks a bit awkward. There's a lot going on with these shorts already so I might just take it off.

I really love the back of it. I just drew some guidelines, cut up some lace and sewed them on for a layered effect. I think it looks pretty awesome. You could sew on fabric on the pocket, around the pockets, or even just half the pocket! It's totally up to you.

And so I folded down the lace of the left front pocket and I like it much better now. Bah, this photo is much brighter than the other two :S

This is something else I modified cause I didn't want to throw it out. Oh the burden of being a hoarder. I got it as a gift aaages ago from my friend when I was really obsessed with Skelanimals. Once again I wish I took a picture of it before I cut it up but once again I forgot, silly me. But here is a picture of the beautiful Alex Gaskarth from pop punk band All Time Low (albeit in an unflattering photo) in the original shirt. Just click the link if you're curious as to what it looks like. And yeah I'm well aware it's a guy's shirt. It was a bit unflattering to wear but now it looks pretty cool. I just cut off the collar so it was a bit wider and lower, cut off the sleeves to make it a tank top, cut the bottom into small even strips, pulled the strips so that they have that curling effect and bam! you now have a new shirt. 

Until next time!

Much loves,
Miss Lucy Belle

(PS I was supposed to upload this last night but I was too tired so I'm just posting it up now. There'll probably be another post later tonight about new stuff and my day)

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